By Integrated Marketing Platform | April 23, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

Shift Marketing Strategy To Acknowledge New Reality
Brand management has never been easy. Finding ways to communicate effectively and appropriately in the COVID-19 era, when consumers are deeply anxious about their families and their future, poses an even greater challenge. Full Story: Forbes
Marketing Strategies for Print Companies During COVID-19
There is no overstating the overwhelming effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our personal and professional lives. Full Story: Printing Impressions
Five ways to adapt your marketing strategy during COVID-19
Using the pandemic as a hook to sell your products or cashing in on coronavirus is a sure way to lose trust and loyalty amongst your customer base. Full Story: Indian Retailer
How to Know If You’re Producing Quality Content
It’s one thing to simply conceive and publish; it’s yet another to earn consumer loyalty and trust. Full Story: Entrepreneur
How to get the most out of digital marketing during Covid-19
It’s not uncommon for B2B companies to rely heavily on in-person meetings and trade events in their sales process. Full Story: Australian Mining ;
6 actionable content-strategy ideas during challenging times
Freezing your communications during a crisis isn’t prudent, but you do need to recalibrate your messages. Full Story: Campaign Asia
How to Run a Discount That Benefits Your Customers and Your Business
The COVID-19 crisis is shutting down brick-and-mortar stores across the U.S. Companies of all shapes and sizes are flocking to the Internet in an attempt to save their bottom line. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Marketing strategies during – and after – Coronavirus
Despite the uncertainty in the world and rapid changes in behavior, data is still being collected and analyzed. Full Story: ClickZ

7 Brands Experimenting With New Social Media Marketing Approaches During COVID-19
As the COVID-19 outbreak spread last month, I noticed there seemed to be two kinds of brands. Full Story: Business 2 Community
When all your audience is on social media, don’t stop your marketing budget
The current situation is a test for any marketer and brand manager. It’s a test for all of us as humans. Full Story: The Drum
Snap Surges 37%, Facebook Follows As Social Media Stocks Rally In Upbeat Market
Snap led tech stocks higher Wednesday after stellar numbers that beat Wall Street estimates with daily active users jumping 20% to $229 million. Full Story: Deadline
Navigating Social Media Marketing in a Global Crisis
The coronavirus has made industry disruption, school closures ,and social distancing the new norm. Full Story: Street Fight

Five Tips To Outrank The Competition With SEO
The cost of digital advertising is increasing day by day, making it harder to target new customers for your business at a lower cost. Full Story: Forbes
How to Build Online Citations for Your Local Business’ SEO
Increasing your local business’s online visibility can seem like a tedious task, and you may be wondering where to even start. Full Story: Pacifc54 Blog
Here are 5 SEO techniques to help you boost rankings, traffic
From internal deep linking to keeping a short, crisp title tag, these tips will help you go a long way in getting more traffic and higher rankings. Full Story:
SEO Digital Marketing: Generating Long Term Revenue
Passing year after year and months after months, SEO is going to generate results for the business, right from phone calls to in-store visits to online sales. This is due to the fact that Google never closes. It has no weekends and has no holidays. Full Story: Customer Think

Should Mobile Marketers Rethink Consumers’ Age Differences?
Given the immense changes wrought by the digital age, marketers should rethink the way they’ve traditionally distinguished between consumers of different generations. Full Story: MediaPost Communications
How To Completely Uninstall Zoom From Your Computer Or Mobile Device
With all of the COVID-19 shutdowns around the world, people have increasingly taken to video calling platforms as a way to see one another and stay in touch. Full Story: Forbes
When Does It Make Sense to Buy a Mobile Phone Outright?
Mere weeks ago, in the Before Times, I got an email from a reader asking whether it could be worth using your tax return to buy a mobile phone. Full Story: Lifehacker
Tesla Mobile App will finally get 2 Factor Authentication
It appears that the long wait for the Tesla mobile app’s 2-factor authentication feature is about to end, with CEO Elon Musk stating that the additional security layer is “coming soon.” Full Story: Teslarati

Pricing digital signage has become difficult as the tech is increasingly necessary to marketing and employee information. Learn how to do it right. Full Story: Commercial Integrator
Digital signage solution monitors hand sanitiser dispensers
The dispenser management solution from digital signage content management company NowSignage monitors hand sanitiser usage and sends refill alerts. Full Story: AV Magazine

Top 5 Tricks for Email Marketing
What is the number one goal for your email marketing campaign? Typically it’s some form of customer engagement that drives revenue. Full Story:
3 Rules When Referencing COVID-19 In Your Email Marketing
Although COVID-19 may appear to have put a firm halt to much of the world’s businesses, marketing certainly hasn’t slowed down one bit. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Non-essentials removed from e-commerce cart
The Centre on Sunday reversed an earlier order that allowed sale of non-essential goods on online marketplaces in a move seen as a major blow to the Indian ecommerce industry… Full Story:
How Ecommerce Companies Can Do More with Less Shopping Ad Budget in 2020
Marketers who depend on ecommerce for revenue have to do more than ever with limited budgets. Full Story: Search Engine Journal

PR and marketing tips for companies in the COVID-19 era
The coronavirus has transformed the way we live, love, work, and do business. Full Story: TNW
PR: The Key To Making A Difference In Turbulent Times
The world is at the grip of COVID-19 and the media is scrambling to find credible experts to make sense of everything. Full Story: Forbes

Pandemic Hits Market Research Budgets Hardest
Market research has been listed as the worst-performing category in the latest IPA Bellwether Report, as UK marketing budgets decline at the fastest rate since the global financial crisis of 2009. Full Story: Daily Research News Online
Smart Cities Market Research Studies
ARC’s Global Market Research Data and Studies are well known for their detailed analysis and accuracy. Full Story: ARC Advisory Group

How to Choose a Good WordPress Developer?
Even though WordPress CMS platform is around from more than ten years, its usage as the web development platform is quite recent. Full Story: IMC Grupo
Why You Need To Invest In A Web Developer For Advanced WordPress Websites
There are many reasons to hire a professional web developer to develop your website. Full Story: Women Love Tech

5 Automation Hurdles All Marketers Need To Overcome
Automation is leaving no corner of business untouched, and marketing is no exception. Full Story: Forbes
How Affiliate Marketing Can Boost Your Tech Startup’s Revenue
Entrepreneurs running a thriving tech startup business know there’s always more they can do to make the business grow. Full Story: Forbes

Top 5 analytics tools to grow your startup
Analytics tool provides a better understanding of what your customers expect from you and what strategies are working in your startup’s favor. Full Story: KnowTechie
Bringing an Analytics Mindset to the Pandemic
Spend just 10 minutes on Twitter to catch up with Covid-19 news, and you’ll run into updated numbers and loud (sometimes angry) arguments about what all the data we’re collecting means. Full Story: Harvard Business Review

This Is the Right Way to Build a Lasting Brand
Developing your brand can be a challenging exercise for even the most experienced entrepreneur, and it’s tempting to rush through or completely outsource. Full Story: Entrepreneur
Do The Right Thing: How Brands Must Act During A Crisis
Paylocity — a provider of payroll and employee management solutions — started redeveloping its brand identity in early 2020. Full Story: Forbes

How to enable hands-free voice search in Google Chrome
In 2014, Google enabled hands-free, always-on voice search in the desktop version of Chrome, the company’s popular web browser. Full Story: Yahoo Tech
This New Technology Can Tell Your Voice Assistant What You Are Looking At
The developments in personal voice assistants have enabled them to perform some high-level tasks like searching or controlling IoT devices. Full Story: Beebom