By Integrated Marketing Platform | April 03, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

How to Move Quickly into a Digital Marketing Strategy
We’re living in an unprecedented, unsettling time. And one of the things we’re all thinking may be, “Business needs to move forward, but how will that look?” Full Story: Business 2 Community
Event Marketing Strategies: Six Trends from B2B Leaders
With events are currently on pause across the globe as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic… Full Story: Chief Marketer
How to Adapt Your Online Marketing Strategy in a Time of Crisis
Life has certainly gotten complicated over the past few weeks, hasn’t it? We’re living through a global pandemic. Full Story: Business 2 Community
How To Develop Your 2020 Marketing Strategy?
The first step is to analyze what your competitors and your industry are doing because, let’s be honest, everybody is doing this. Full Story: Nature World News
Ways to Get Your Business Out of a Rut
Setting targets, ambitious objectives, and designing strategies for the year is common to marketers. Full Story: Business 2 Community
7 Marketing Ideas to Get More Traffic in Your Booth When at a Trade Show
In this digital era, the idea of attending a trade show might seem old school, but it’s inarguably an incredible investment. Full Story: Times Square Chronicles
How Customer Experience Drives Business Growth
Contact center staff can prove to be a key factor in taking the business to new levels, building a position of a brand as well as strengthening customer relationships. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Trending marketing tactics for 2020
Marketing is an industry that is constantly developing through innovation, which is why it can seem a bit challenging to keep up with the latest trends. Full Story: London Loves Business

7 Reasons Why Brands Need Influencer + Social Marketing During COVID-19 Outbreak
The world is struggling to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak. Business losses are mounting and general paranoia prevails. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Social Media Boost for Business During Covid-19
On the 24th March the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced a series of new measures to fight the coronavirus outbreak in the UK. Full Story: Business News Wales
How COVID-19 can help business grow using social media
The coronavirus has forced us many of us to move to an agile and remote workforce. Full Story: Ragtrader
How Social Networks Are Surging and Changing During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Last week, in one of my client meetings, an interesting discussion came up–what social networks were surging and which were lagging? And, which were CHANGING? Full Story: Business 2 Community

Google SEO 101: The Evolution of Search Result Previews
Google explains the guiding principles behind search result previews that took the results page from 10 blue links to where we are today. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
SEO for Startups: How to Grow Your Organic Traffic in Six Months
With the competition soaring in from all sides every passing day, businesses keep struggling to bring about the desired level of growth in their operations. Full Story:
SEO: Manage Crawling, Indexing with Robots Exclusion Protocol
Indexing is the precursor to ranking in organic search. But there are pages you don’t want the search engines to index and rank. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce
SEO: It’s Like Ad Placement For Free
Ad placement for free, you say? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a website’s content so it ranks as high as possible on search engines. Full Story: Forbes

T-Mobile, Sprint Deal Closes, Now What?
The ink on the deal has dried, but questions remain if the new company can make a splash with enterprise buyers. Full Story: No Jitter
Why Telecom Brands Are Taking a New Approach to Personalized Marketing
Personalized marketing holds so much promise. Yet as we currently know it, it’s failing to deliver. Full Story: MarTech Advisor
Samsung mobile division plans to build its own foldable glass
Samsung is a major conglomerate that has many sister companies and subsidiaries. Full Story:
Stimulus Funds Should Be Delivered Via Mobile Payments
Now is the time for governments to be promoting and employing mobile-based tools to assist families and businesses harmed by the pandemic. Full Story: Forbes

5 Benefits of Enterprise Digital Signage Solutions
Enterprise digital signage solutions aren’t just for large orgs who want to affect behavior. There’re many advantages “free” solutions online can’t offer. Full Story: TechDecisions
Digital Signage during the Coronavirus
If the importance of digital communication was ever questioned before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic… Full Story: Digital Signage Connection

Study: Email key to lifecycle gr owth
Email continues to be an important part of consumers’ marketing journey as well as being key to the lifetime value of a consumer to a business. Full Story: BizReport
Retailers: Are Your COVID-19-Related Communications Effective? Here’s How to Tell
Along with everyone else, retailers are having a rough time with the COVID-19 outbreak. Full Story: My Total Retail

How China is revolutionising e-commerce with an injection of entertainment
While some sectors of the economy struggle for survival in a sudden, new, harsh reality, e-commerce is again faced with massive demand. Full Story: The Conversation UK
These 4 Key Market Components Will Drive eCommerce Growth This Decade
The 2020s are officially underway. While the digital market undergoes constant upheaval, this year offers a convenient milestone to gauge the changes we observed in the market, and which changes are coming in the near future. Full Story: Grit Daily

Five top PR & communications consulting firms to work for
With over 30,000 practitioners under its belt, across 60+ countries, the PRCA is the largest professional body of its kind for professionals in the public relations and communications domain. Full Story:
Why PR should embrace Asperger’s syndrome
PR has always celebrated and rewarded trailblazers, with companies investing millions in recruitment drives for brilliant individuals. Full Story: Real Business

MarTech Minute: Survey Monkey rolls out market research platform
Also, ClouDhiti this week rolled out a suite of AI tools that it says gives smaller businesses opportunities to add some intelligence. Full Story: MarTech Today
The right way to do your market research for maximum profitability
In this post, we are going to tell you everything you’d probably want to know about marketing research. Full Story: BestTechie

If Website Development is in Your Business Plan, Read This First
Whether it’s only a year old or it’s from 10 years ago, when your website no longer impresses you, it’s hard to deal with it. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Websites that will make your life easier!
Websites that will make your life easier! All your work will speed up. Full Story: Somag News

How marketing automation & CRM keeps sales coals burning
It’s basically a provided since automation devices, in whatever feature of business they’re released to, drive performances that produce time for better job. Full Story: The Union Journal
Customer Relationship Management Software: What is a CRM Database?
Happy customers are the lifeblood of any business. Full Story: Business 2 Community

10 most powerful data analytics companies
Enterprises are investing heavily in data analytics, business intelligence (BI), and cognitive capabilities. Full Story: CIO
CEO Perspective: Future Trends in BI and Analytics
What technologies will help your enterprise become more data driven? Full Story: TDWI

How Does Branding Work? How Do We Manage Our Brand to Attract Customers?
Many people associate a brand with a logo or a name… But it’s so much more! Your brand defines everything about your company. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Defend The Brand: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
I’ve been on the record for quite a while about the importance of the chief marketing officer (CMO) caring about security and having a close relationship with the chief information security officer (CISO). Full Story: Forbes

Google App Removes Legacy Voice Search on Android, Leaving Only Google Assistant
Google Assistant has cemented its place in the Google mobile app with the upcoming release of the latest version of the app. Full Story:
Spotify app now works with Siri voice assistant on Apple Watch
We haven’t heard that much about Spotify’s European anti-competition complaint against Apple for a while, despite rumblings last year about a potential investigation. Full Story: Music Ally